Monday, April 3, 2017

April 4, 2017

April 4, 2017

   All images are mine unless otherwise noted.

   To see photos full screen click on any image.

     I'm Tired of winter this year and still several days of light snow for the last two weeks. Plus I have a miserable cold but that is getting better. Rather than show images taken in the last few weeks I took a look at photos taken last Summer in the Southwest, Nevada, Utah and Arizona at Monument Valley, Grand Canyon and a flowering cactus somewhere in the vast desert lands we saw for a month. These photos are for me a respite from the weather and feeling bad. 

   Here is something truly lovely to listen to while viewing this post. It is called "Ancient Love."

Early morning and the sun kisses
the tips of the mesas and plateaus in the Grand Canyon.

A few minutes later the scene changes
this is the way of the land wherever one is.
Keep both eyes open to the Light,
the rewards are wonderful gifts from God.

As the morning brightens all life wakens to greet the new day.
Even long expired trees have enough life 
to turn and meet the Source of all that is.

Soon early risers come to the Canyon rim .....

and here is the sight that welcomes their day.

When you see a place that overwhelms the senses,
jars the heart bringing tears to one's eyes,
memory will never forget the things that Creation offered.

Let's go for a short walk.
From here to Phantom Ranch in the Canyons bottom
is about 10 miles down, and a seeming lifetime to climb back up
on the Bright Angel Trail..
The Rim Trail goes many miles and then some.

Yes, we take memories away from the Canyon,
and we also leave our image on the rocks for as long
as they remain in a two way dialog between us. 


Memories in the making.

It does rain in the desert environs usually in the distance.
What more can one ask for?

Dusk arrives announcing the end of this day.
The Song of the Canyon never ceases to amaze this viewer.

The cacti were blooming during the entire month we were there.


Some humor:
