Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August 13, 2012

August 14, 2012

(All photos are mine unless noted. You can bring the pictures up in full screen by double clicking on any image. Click on a border to return.)

   My physical issues increase along with new found joy in being more open to life and growth each day. A torn rotator cuff tendon my left shoulder is what has been offered recently. Surgery on the right hand and arm has been largely successful with pain reduced by some eighty percent. I checked the storerooms at the orthopedists office and they seem to have enough parts and pieces to keep me going for at least twenty years. So, once again, "All is Gift" Grace to be accepted, or perhaps sometimes tolerated with a "Thanks be to God!"

   I will continue with this blog even though my meanderings may be abbreviated in the future. 

When the petals of our heart's flower rise to the Sun,
The Spirit of a loving Creator
Is there to support what appears to be too fragile for growth,
Along with our support team cheering us on.

Thich Nhat Hahn on "Watering Flowers: -

Beginning Anew

   To begin anew is to look deeply and honestly at ourselves, our past actions, speech and thoughts and to create a fresh beginning within ourselves and in our relationships with others. At the practice center we practice Beginning Anew as a community every two weeks and individually as often as we like.

   We practice Beginning Anew to clear our mind and keep our practice fresh. When a difficulty arises in our relationships with fellow practitioners and one of us feels resentment or hurt, we know it is time to Begin Anew. The following is a description of the four-part process of Beginning Anew as used in a formal setting. One person speaks at a time and is not interrupted during his or her turn. The other practitioners practice deep listening and following their breath.

   Flower watering –  This is a chance to share our appreciation for the other person. We may mention specific instances that the other person said or did something that we had admired. This is an opportunity to shine light on the other’s strengths and contributions to the sangha and to encourage the growth of his or her positive qualities.

Sharing regrets – We may mention any unskillfulness in our actions, speech or thoughts that we have not yet had an opportunity to apologize for.
Expressing a hurt - We may share how we felt hurt by an interaction with another practitioner, due to his or her actions, speech or thoughts. (To express a hurt we should first water the other person’s flower by sharing two positive qualities that we have truly observed in him or her. Expressing a hurt is often performed one on one with another practitioner rather than in the group setting. You may ask for a third party that you both trust and respect to be present, if desired.)

   Sharing a long-term difficulty & asking for support- At times we each have difficulties and pain arise from our past that surface in the present. When we share an issue that we are dealing with we can let the people around us understand us better and offer the support that we really need.
The practice of Beginning Anew helps us develop our kind speech and compassionate listening. Begin Anew is a practice of recognition and appreciation of the positive elements within our Sangha. For instance, we may notice that our roommate is generous in sharing her insights, and another friend is caring towards plants.

   Recognizing others positive traits allows us to see our own good qualities as well. Along with these good traits, we each have areas of weakness, such as talking out of our anger or being caught in our misperceptions. When we practice “flower watering” we support the development of good qualities in each other and at the same time we help to weaken the difficulties in the other person. As in a garden, when we “water the flowers” of loving kindness and compassion in each other, we also take energy away from the weeds of anger, jealousy and misperception.

   We can practice Beginning Anew everyday by expressing our appreciation for our fellow practitioners and apologizing right away when we do or say something that hurts them. We can politely let others know when we have been hurt as well. The health and happiness of the whole community depends on the harmony, peace and joy that exists between every member in the Sangha.

The flower that is our soul rising to the light through our heart
is always ready to reach out and extend growth into the unknown.
This is the canvas we are given to paint the colors of our life on,
All we need is a frame and willingness to embrace what is offered.

The Lotus flower grows out of the mud pure and clean,
like morning dew from heaven or water from Spring rains.


Here is a short video showing the Lotus flower with wonderful photographs and music. Please do not pass this by.


Music To Nurture:
        Tchaikovsky The Nutcracker Suite Op. 71A - 10 Waltz Of The Flowers

       Click here:       https://www.box.com/s/f3b297754f6db118dd00


The Path from light to dark,
Day to night -
Is still the Path we are compelled to follow,
With gratitude to a Loving God.

                                                                                          (Cape Breton, Nova Scotia - Summer 2011)

 Maine Scene With Satellite Antenna

Ilesford, Little Cranberry Island 


Some humor:

                                               Peace and a flowering heart,   Bill Lagerstrom